Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year Idea!!

Happy New Year!! 

Here's an idea I saw that I would like to bring into my classroom...Could do one jar for each hour... (HS)
Then read at the end of the school year! 

Starting January 1st... Write good things that happen to you on little prices of paper and put them in a "fancy 2014 mason jar" --surprise gifts, accomplished goals, the beauty of nature, LOL moments...
then on December 31st (or whenever your feeling down) read all the great things that happened to you throughout the year!! 

Lets make 2014 your best year yet!! 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Break for perspective!

Nothing like Christmas break to give you the time you need to analyze data. I have been staring at numbers for the past couple days and have been able to come to a few ahahas. Mostly that the AR process has made me a better teacher. More focused, more aware, most apt to change and grow. I have also been spending a lot of time outside enjoying the beauty of the season. Santa got Nikolai snow shoes which have been a real blessing!! Time and peace bring perspective. I know that my project helped me grow, now it's just a matter of how to streamline my process so others may learn from what I have accomplished. Perspective is good.

Monday, December 23, 2013

December Updates...

Alright... so where did the time go... I just noticed that I have not posted since THANKSGIVING! WTF?

What's been happening lately... well a lot actually...
I have finished collecting data for my AR and am now in the process of trying to summarize what happened. I can tell you that in Biology I have taught three months of new cirriculum and although it was a lot of work it really was worth it. When I started to analyze my data and was looking over a list of all the new lessons and labs we did I had a rare moment of "wow, I really did it!" I organized binders along the way to be sure that I will have references for next year but I really did what I set out to do... use inquiry style teaching. At first thought I believe that the impact has been more on ME and my way of thinking then on the students... but when I think and act differently of course they are impacted too. I am excited to see what the data will bring to light, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We have the tools to go about solving or working to improve any sensed need in the future and knowing the process makes me glad.