Sunday, September 29, 2013

AR Abstract


How will using inquiry-based teaching with my 10th grade biology students impact their ability to think scientifically?

The question guiding my research is as follows: How will the use inquiry-based teaching with my 10th grade biology students impact their ability to think scientifically? A review of the literature suggested strategies in several areas of my practice that could help me bring about higher levels of scientific thinking. As a result of my literature review areas for change include: 1) re-defining and using true inquiry 2) increasing questioning skills 3) establishing and incorporating collaborative groups and 4) intentionally fostering 21st century leadership skills.  

Through my research I have come to understand many things. First off, what true inquiry is. Old labs and activities can be easily adapted to inquiry style where students design their own procedure, data tables, and draw their own conclusions. I plan to use weekly inquiry labs/ activities which I hope will give students more opportunity to foster thinking skills. I will be keeping a journal of my feelings and observations during these lessons as I move toward an inquiry-style instructor.  

Research suggests that questioning is a skill that must be practiced. I spent a lot time creating a questioning environment and generating lists of questions to foster discussion and thinking during individual lessons. I used random calling, think-pair-share, and extended wait time as well not stopping at the “first” or “right” answer to increase overall thinking. I am interested to know if the number and type of questions students encounter correlates with perceived thinking level.

Although I have always done group activities as part of classroom instruction they were never truly fair or effective. One or two people did all the work and thinking. Research suggests that collaborative groups are different. I took the time necessary to group my students and taught them the roles of true collaboration allowing them many opportunities to practice. I am interested to know if they think these activities increased their level individual of thinking.    

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Growth Mindset

Honestly when I took the mind set survey I was split down the middle. I was not surprised. I have been thinking about it a lot and I can see when I'm teaching that I am in growth mode. It helps too see small changes and know that from hour to hour throughout the day I use opportunities for improvement. In my home life I feel fixed though. I realize that I need to spend more time on my emotional health. I am a perfectionist and I suffer from low self esteem and poor decision making skills. I have gotten better but I want to let my past go. My family is fixed. They don't see it but I do. I want more. New. Different. Fulfilling. For me the only way to grow is to let go and move forward. Seems strange to out grow your family bit that's where I am.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

NEW School Year

2013, 2013, 2222...2013!

Happy New Year!

This year has gotten off to a great start. BHS has a new principal so there are a lot of new initiatives. I have my goals for both myself and my students this year. I have a goal to use more essential questions in my room this year. I want to incorporate more collaborative grouping and inquiry style lessons and activities. To teach for meaning not just to cover content. I will keep you posted on how it goes!! For my students I want them to THINK more. To use more teamwork and positive, intentional roles during group work.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


The fish philosophy speaks to me. Choose your attitude. This one is just... easy. I have always been a morning person, and crazy, and peppy. In the mom van on the drive I listen to music to match my mood in the morning. If I'm not ready... I bump out to a couple more songs before i go in. In the morning I crank the tunes in my room to continue the high. Be there. I need to continue to greet students at the door. They like it and so do I. I need to concentrate on "mindfulness" and slow the train long enough to allow time for thinking, processing, and questioning.  Fun. Check. I need to continue to work to develop the community feel and collaborative ideas and activities. At leat once a week am planning a change of venue. Discussion can be so much more meaningful outside of my room. Tomorrows plan is happening the middle of the football field.  Make their day... Maybe not each kid each hour, but I use the magic number three. Say to 3 different nice things to 3 different kids each hour. Fishing... It can take time and bait... But when you catch one its worth it!

Friday, September 6, 2013

First Friday Night!

Well I'm torn. I did what I intended to do. I carried out my perfect classroom plan. I focused on community. Name games, interviews, small group talks, how was your summer deal, collaborative grouping role teaching, personal thinking style inventories... I wouldn't change much but... Now I feel behind. Other teachers were giving quizzes today! What? Why? I know I am on a different, new, good path... Am I ahead or behind? My students were laughing, smiling, talking to each other, sharing... It's good. It's just not "content." This week was SO intentional. Planned it. Did it. Reflected on it. It's just that if I look around... I'm breaking the rules.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Anyone else feel a huge sense of disappointment on your return to in service? We didn't even so much as share any updates or talk summer as a whole group. Sure you share in the hallways with a few closer co-workers here and there but coming back after this summer was an especially big let down for me. Maybe it's because I have a true community at SMU and have done so much planning in perfect classroom to incorporate what we are doing and learning into my room... But seriously who plans a schedule that includes everyone listening to blood borne pathogens in a dark room with the lights off first thing on day 1? And 7th grade orientation until 9:00 pm on day 1? Because I can, I'm sharing my new 5C motto with you... Calm. Cool. Collected. Community. Content. I don't want my students to feel as deflated as I did on day 1. True I might have to reign in my expectations... But admin... You gotta step it up!