Monday, July 8, 2013

Stage Two--BDU

I was surprised as I have been working on the second stage of my backwards design unit how easy it was to be creative when you had a list of the enduring understandings and questions right there in front of you. Many of the "tests" I have been coming up with are collaborative group tasks that involve the group making or doing something. When I started the process I thought it would be impossible to create a test before teaching...and after doing it I realize its because a traditional test would only have students reproduce facts that I taught. Big ahaha here. It's the process... Not the product. As I was researching assessment I came across a study of test frequency. It has been documented the you should strive for at least two formative assessments a week. And for summative... 10 in a 15 week time period for greatest percentile improvement!! Something to work for!! 


  1. Wow, that's a lot of tests. I would have never thought to do that many but I guess they don't have to pages and pages long. It could be a one or two question "ticket out the door" on the maine focus of the lesson. I agree, writing the test first makes it so you stay focused on what you want them to learn.

  2. I agree, I am having a lot easier time coming up with my assessments the second go around. In one of the articles I was reading it talked about how we need to perform assessments that measure skills they will be using out in the real world and the biggest skill they focused on was teamwork, so way to go making tests that involve collaborative group work!
