Monday, February 17, 2014


We have talked a lot in class about how to generate ideas for lessons. My AR was all about incorporating more inquiry style and using collaborative groups. As I was sitting one night, finalizing the quiz I was giving the next day, I wondered... How am I going to present the next concept to my students? The quiz covered the structure of DNA and RNA. The students have an outside of class project they have been assigned... creating a model of DNA due this Friday. I had just gone over notes on the process of replication (DNA making copies of itself) with a classroom sized puzzle of the process. So now what? What should I do next?

I know what's coming down the hatch. Its complicated and difficult. In fact the next concept is probably the hardest thing we will learn all year in Biology.  I did the usual... I Googled lesson plans on "protein synthesis." Then I looked up lesson plans using Lesson Planet. The hits were endless in both regards. I read and scanned and clicked and dragged. And then it dawned on me... why am I the one trying to figure this out? My students should be looking at all these resources... not me! I already know this stuff! Duh.

Then the idea struck. After the quiz... I put up the collaborative teams of four I had created in advance on the board and a simple direction... "In your team, create a relay race that other teams will do around the concept of protein synthesis!" You want to see them squirm... Holy Moly... and then questions started... and more questions... and the whining and complaining... then more questions... and NO ANSWERS from me. I sat quietly correcting quizzes. On purpose... because if I don't stay busy I'll crack!
Finally...they got to work!
I had tricked them into at least attempting to teach themselves and their group protein synthesis.

As I graded... (and smiled inwardly at myself and them)
--I quietly recommended watching some online animations with the ipads I had brought in the room...
--I quietly recommended reading Chapter 12-Section 3 in their book on Protein Synethesis...
--I quietly recommended that they "Google LESSON PLANS of PS" and re over them together...
--I quietly recommended creating experts in their teams... on each part of the process...

But the rest was up to them.