Sunday, January 5, 2014

Winter Survival

Well... It's that time of year again! Winter Survival is here. Seems strange to be planning this unit in the midst of the Governor canceling all schools in MN. :) I sat down and used the principals of backwards design to try and determine what my true goals are for the unit. It is certainly not standards based but in my eyes still worth the time and effort. I am going to take one day per needed topic... 5 types of heat loss, clothes/food,  fire and snow shelter construction, planning/lists/positive attitude and a reading called: "no word for luck" about Eskimos and winter! It's the bare minimum but I want to cut back on the fluff. I need each and everyday day if we are going to make this happen on Wednesday, January 15th so I thinking of sending Dayton a smart wool sweater!! Stay positive to stay warm!